1973-ban alakult angol zenekar.
Eredeti fellls: Rob Halford nek;
Ken KK Downing gitr;
Ian Hill basszusgitr;
John Hinch dob. |

A heavy metal stlus egyik meghatroz cscszenekara. Lemezeik s sikereik elvlasztjk ket a szokvnyos kemnyked heavyrock formciktl. St, neki tulajdontjk az angol heavy j nemzedknek elindtst is. Az els heavy egyttes akiknak zenjre rstttk: "stni zenetek". A sok tagcsere ellenre, ma is aktv egyttes, s ebben risi szerepe volt 1996-os kivlsig Rob Halford rockmvszi egynisgnek, mindent elspr orgnumnak, sznpadi alaktsainak. Nevket Bob Dylan The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest cm protestsongjbl klcsnztk. Birminghamben alaptotta Downing s Hill. 1974-ben ktttek szerzdst a Gull cggel, amely kt, mindmig npszer albumot jelentetett meg velk, a Rocka Rolla-t s a Sad Wings Of Destiny-t. Az utbbi a korai heavy metal remeke, knnyedn krztk le vele a Black Sabbath -ot. Ezutn megkezddtt a doboscserk hossz folyamata. Jtt s ment Alan Moore s Simon Phillips, ket hrom lemezen Les Binks kvette. A British Steel -en mr Holland jtszik, aki korbban a Trapeze-ban dobolt. Amerikai sikerk a Stained Glass megjelense utn kezddtt, ekkor a Led Zeppelin elzenekaraknt mutatkoztak be. Eddigi mkdsk cscspontja a British Steel, amely klnsen Amerikban lett rendkvl sikeres majdnem 1 milli pldny kell el. Sznpadi megjelensk ebben az idben - rendkvl agresszv, ltzkket szegecsek lncok egsztik ki. A gyors tempt s speed metal gitrjtkot ugyanakkor kvethet, helyenknt kellemes nekdallam alfestsre hasznljk. Rob Halford eladsmdja s hangja klns figyelmet rdemel, a rekedt kzpfekvsbl kpes a teljesen sima szoprnba vltani. Az egyttes plyafutsban jl rzkelhet trst jelent a Turbo cm lemez, amelyet a heavy metal hvei sokan "diszksnak", knnyednek tartanak. Rajongi kzl szmosan el is prtoltak az egyttestl. Az 1990-es Painkiller szintn biztos kereskedelmi siker volt. 1996-ban Rob kivlt a formcibl s Trent Roznorral megalaktotta j egyttest a Two -t, de csak kt v mlva jelentettk meg els lemezket Voyeurs cmmel. Az jjszervezdtt Judas Preist 1998-ban debtlt a Jugulator cm, igazn j zent tartalmaz albummal.

Utols fellls: Tim Owens nek;
Ken KK Downing gitr;
Ian Hill basszusgitr;
Glen Tipton gitr;
Scott Davies dob. |
Nagylemezek: Rocka Rolla (1974.)
Sad Wings Of Destiny (1976.)
Sin After Sin (1977.)
The Best Of J.P. (1978.)
Stained Glass (1978.)
Killing Machine (1978.)
Unleashed In The East (1978.)
Hell Bent For Leather (1979.)
British Steel (1980.)
Point Of Entry (1981.)
Screaming For Vengeance (1982.)
Defenders Of The Faith (1984.)
Turbo (1986.)
Priest... Live (1987.)
Ram It Down (1988.)
Pain Killer (1990.)
Jugulator (1998.) |

Judas Priest Dalszvegek/Lyrics |
Sinner Sinner rider, rides in with the storm The devil rides beside him The devil is his god, God help you mourn Do you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunder Deafen every living thing about Can you, can you see it, can you See the mountains darken yonder Black sun rising, time is running out
Sacrifice to vice or die by the hand of the Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!
His steed of fury, Eyes of fire and mane ablaze Demonic vultures stalking Drawn by the smell of war and pain He roams the starways Searching for the carcasses of war But if it's hungry then its very presence Disrupts the calm into the storm
Curse and damn you all you'll fall by the hand of the Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!
God of the Devils, God of the Devils Won't you help them pray God of the Devils, God of the Devils Is there no other way
Can't you hear their souls calling out in their plight Can't you see their blood is boiling setting them alight
Thirty years now sleeping, so sound War raises its head, and looks slowly around The Sinner is near, sensing the fear And the beast will start movin' around
Can't you see their souls calling out in their brain Can't you hear their blood is boiling setting them alight
Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!
Sacrifice to vice or die by the hand of the Curse and damn you all you fall by the hand of the Sinner! |